Friday, November 2, 2012

It's the simple things..

...that make all the difference!

You know that pile of laundry waiting to be folded? It can wait.

You know that dirty sink filled with dishes? It can wait.

You know those crumbs and cheerios all over the carpet? It can wait.

You know the plants that need to be watered? Yes, it can wait too.

You know those tiny, adorable, precious kids pulling on your clothes asking you to play? They cant wait. For tomorrow they will be off to college. That moment, that precious moment when they want you, cannot wait.

Many days, and today was no exception, I looked at my house that had a hurricane performed by my sweet boys...cheerios thrown about, trains from the living room to the kitchen to the bedrooms, laundry that needed to be washed and folded, a sink that needed to be scrubbed and a phone call that needed to be made,text messages that were buzzing...I told all of that to just wait today. Because guess what? Its all still there tonight, but I am blessed that I got to play with my kids, and don't forget about hiding under the blanket for over an hour hiding and looking for the bats! It was and always is a  treasure and I am so glad I chose to put off everything else. My children and I created giggles, memories, and used our imaginations to play for hours; I looked into their expression filled faces and smiled back saying, "yes" to them. Nothing like it. And I am blessed that my husband can understand and know that these moments and days are fleeting.

I love this quote..."A clean house is a sign of a wasted life." Because one day will our children say, "Gee I wish my mom kept our house tidy and clean more often." And do you ever hear a mom wish she had spent more time cleaning? Nope. The seasoned moms who have gone before and have parented from the heart say, "Cherish every moment, it goes so fast."

Now don't get me wrong, we shouldn't live in filth and this isn't to justify laziness or saying we shouldn't teach our children how to pick up from time to time. And yes some things must get accomplish. But, much can wait. Wouldn't you agree?

"Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty..." Proverbs 14:4

I am so glad my manger is full and is being used to "express and not impress" others! I often times tell my oldest son, "we make messes and it's okay!" I always told this to my preschoolers and now to my kids. Through messes, I see learning taking place, I see fun times, I see expression. Messes are blessings! Not once does my son cringe at the thought of what I might say because he made a mess, either by accident or purpose...its okay and he knows that! I didn't learn this overnight. My mom allowed us to have barbies sprawled about through the entire house, she allowed us to bake and make a messy kitchen. I learned it from a sweet grandma friend who I taught with. I have adopted it for my own and am living it.

Here's proof: raw coverage of Hurricane C Squared (Cayden and Camden) ;-) 

I remember growing up, my mom would let me make "concoctions" in the kitchen. I would get a bowl out, and go to town. Rummaging through the fridge and cupboards and pouring a little of this and a little of that into a bowl. It looked so gross after all was said and done, but I had so much fun "cooking!"  Thank you mom! The other day Cayden and his friend did the same thing, they called theirs a "potion." They had soda opened, cookies, you name looked so gross, but the fun that was had and the laughter I listened to was priceless!

I encourage you moms, to think of messes as learning, its proof that a fun childhood is all its cracked up to be! To look at your house and say it can wait. I encourage you to run outside with your kids, to get dirty and end it with a bubble bath. To pull out the blankets and hide under them! To not be afraid that someone might stop by and judge you, I will admit, I fear this thought with a few people we know, but I no longer apologize for the toys all over, and you shouldn't either! After all, the way we parent and live life in our God given home, is between us and the Lord and no one else! Blessings! Rest assured at some point, the house will be tidy, for me it's in the evenings before heading to bed. Then the morning comes and we start playing again!

Go play and make fun messes!


  1. Alicia this is one of my favorite posts of yours so far!! So many things you said stuck out to me. I love how your mom let you make "concoctions" haha so cute! I made a few of those growing up too! It's wonderful that Cayden doesn't cringe or get worried when he makes a mess. You just let him have fun and enjoy being a little kid for now! I need to take your advice and chill out about the messes!!! Our home IS between us and the Lord. Soo true. I need to stop trying so hard to be a people pleaser and just enjoy my children and live how the Lord wants me to live. Love you girl! Thanks for always sharing your heart!

  2. I see your point! I did have a clean house while my kids were young but i don't think i wasted my life!

    1. That's just a quote to help state that our children and investing deeply in their lives is so much greater in our priorities and furthering His kingdom with our blessings, our babies, than having a neat nik home. My focus is all about them and not worrying over the cheerios all over the floor. Simply putting them first, before all that. The cleaning will always be there, this moment, this day with my children won't. :-)

  3. oh, the concoctions funny!! And, remember, some of them had to be refrigerated for days ...not sure why, but we sure did it. Another post that made me smile honey! Investing in the lives of your precious boys will continue to bless you beyond measure.


Thanks for stopping by! Blessings!!